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Monday, September 30, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diets - Weight Loss Strategies For Rapid Diet Success

Fast weight loss diets can get you to your weight loss goal in a hurry. Here are some tips to get you started on your way to a healthier you in no time.

When choosing foods for your diet, follow these simple food related tips boost your weight loss efforts.

Strategy 1. Reduce your fat intake. Although you can't ignore fats altogether, keeping a watchful eye on saturated fats is a great way to start dropping pounds. You should try to keep your fat intake to no more than twenty five percent of your total calorie intake.

Strategy 2. Cut out the sweet stuff. I know you've heard it before, but when on a fast weight loss diet, you should cut the sweets, ie. candy, soda, ice cream and excess sugar out of your diet as much as possible. Choose water over soda, and low fat yogurt over ice cream.

Strategy 3. Stay hydrated at all times. Drinking water will not only help you digest food more properly, but it will also keep you feeling more full before meals. You don't have to go crazy with this strategy to see results, just try to drink 7-10 glasses of water a day, and drink water before you eat a meal, not after.

Strategy 4. Don't forget your fiber. Keeping a steady balance of fiber in your diet will help you to feel fuller, and eat less. Look to vegetables and whole grain cereals to accomplish this.

Follow these strategies and be on your way to looking and feeling better. For some extra edge when using these strategies, I suggest a dietary supplement to really speed up your results.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Much Weight Do I Need To Lose

Cardio Weight Loss Workout

If jogging for 30 minutes isn't the best cardio workout for fat loss, than what is?

Well, intervals of course. But which method or machine is best? And how long should each interval be?

Both are very common questions.

And I truly believe there is a correct answer for both.

First, which method is best for interval training?

In the following list, I rank the methods and machines from most effective to least effective. Remember, in the end, all should be effective if you are doing the intervals correctly and eating for fat loss, but...you probably will still see better results when you use method #1.

And the winner is...sprinting. And that makes the #1 machine the treadmill.

More specifically, the absolute, #1, nothing-is-better-than-this-method-of-interval-training is, sprinting hills outside on grass. If you can do this safely, this is the best cardio workout for fat loss.

Of course, with great reward often comes increased risk. Sprinting is not for everyone. Sore knees, poor warmups, unconditioned muscles, and poor running form can quickly lead to immediate and overuse injuries. So be very conservative with this training method. Do not do hill sprinting if it is possibly unsafe for you.

The next best interval training method? Surprisingly...

2) Bodyweight Exercises

No machines necessary. Can be done in small areas. And will improve your strength and muscle endurance as well.

And continuing the list of best interval cardio fat loss workouts...

3) Stationary cycling/hill climbing on a road bike

4) The Rowing Machine

5) The Elliptical Machine/Crosstrainer Machine

6) Fast/Incline Walking

I hope this response has been clear. If not, let me know.

Now, how long should each interval last?

The answer is, "It should always be changing."

Just like with your weight training, your interval workouts should change every 4 weeks. And it is also a good idea to use different interval durations in different workouts each week.

For More Related Topics Blog: Best Foods To Eat For Weight Loss

Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Lose Weight Fast - 3 Mind Boggling Weight Loss Tips You Can't Afford to Miss

Do you know a small fact about weight loss most people ignore? Well its consistency and variation. Yes these are the two most essential keys which would help you lose weight real fast but do most people follow these? Well in case they did we wouldn't have so many overweight people on this planet anymore but the fact is that people don't follow these keys at all. You see there is much more to weight loss than what a common man is aware of that's the reason why in order to lose weight you need to be well informed otherwise you would never get the results you desire. Read on to discover some of the most mind boggling weight loss tips guaranteed to get you results...

Change your lifestyle- This is probably the biggest reason why most people gain weight in the first place. A lousy lifestyle is the major reason behind weight gain in most people out there. You see surviving on the wrong foods and drink, wrong sleeping patterns and hours have a big role to play with your overall health that's the reason why it's really important to change your lifestyle for good.

Start hating yourself- Yes in order to lose the desired amount of weight you need to start hating your body for the time being. You should tell yourself that this is not you and you can be better than this. This would provide you with the drive and motivation to work towards your body weight and lose it.

Get some weight loss buddies- Now this is another great way to lose weight real fast. You see when you start competing with your friends and start comparing each others level of weight loss you would instantly start working harder as it than becomes a matter of pride.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea is very popular among consumers due to the varied health benefits associated with it. Traditionally green herbal tea has been used a medicinal beverage and it revitalizes the body and mind like no other form of tea. The liquid form of the product is obtained by steaming the leaves of Camellia sinensis thus allowing only partial oxidization. Thus a cup of green tea gives the body a lot more antioxidants than other forms of tea. In this article we discuss three main health benefits associated with a green herbal tea diet.

Weight loss

It is an weight loss aid. Regular consumption can result in slimming down of the body burning down the extra fats. Catechin in green tea induces higher metabolic activity thus burning more calories than what you would doing regular exercise. Moreover, if a person both exercises and consumes green herbal tea, it may be possible he/she would be the fittest in his/her locality!

Natural medicine

Medicinal properties of green herbal tea have only been recently discovered but it has been ages since the beverage was used as a traditional medicine. A green tea diet constitutes both therapeutic and curative features. Scientific researchers suggest that there is perhaps no other drink that vitalizes the body to the extent green tea does. It is even thought that consumption of greet tea destroys cancerous cells without doing any harm to the healthy tissues.

Increases immunity

Green herbal tea enables our body to fight diseases more effectively. It strengthens the immune system and also helps lower the blood pressure. Asthma patients may find it to be a great savior as it can help them breathe easier.

What we can conclude is that a green tea can be the most rejuvenating and healthy diet. Taking e the right amount will help your body fight the diseases and spare you from frequent doctor visits.

Chart Your Daily Weight Loss to Lose Weight Faster

If you've been struggling to lose those last few pounds, here are a couple of ideas that may help you.

Several years ago I was struggling to lose those last three pounds before reaching my optimum weight. For someone who is very active, trying to drop those last few pounds can be a frustrating and depressing experience. Finally, I discovered a simple method that works.

Charting Your Daily Progress

I found that by charting my daily weight I was much more aware of my eating and exercise plans. Now, how to do this. One easy way is to simply list your daily weight on a calendar. Some diet and exercise gurus say don't weigh yourself daily. I disagree.

Weighing yourself daily is a constant visible reminder< of how you're doing. Personally, I need daily reminders. So, every morning I weigh myself and note my weight on a calendar. Also, every day I'll make a note on my calendar of the distance I jogged or hiked. Finally, I'll jot down a "WO" on the calendar if I completed my daily workout.

Believe me, you'll start to notice a pattern in your weight loss progress -- or lack of progress. All it takes is to see a one pound increase in your weight to shock you back into reality.

Weight Loss / Exercise Software

Another very effective way of keeping track of your weight are software programs designed for diet and exercise. While I prefer charting on my calendar, my wife prefers using software programs. These programs offer charting for many weight loss and exercise activities. Not only can you chart your daily weight loss, but you can keep track of time, distance, weather, your moods, and many other factors. To find these programs simply do an Internet search for "weight loss software."

Let's face it. It's much easier to put on weight than to take it off. And to lose weight consistently, chart your activities and progress.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Acai and Weight Loss - Get Acai Berry Supplements For Weight Loss?

If you have come across acai berry supplements or dietary pills, you would have been told about the ability of these products' key ingredient to naturally help you lose weight quickly in addition to offering other numerous health benefits. Today, we will briefly explore the weight loss properties of this fruit that is native to the Amazonian rainforest.

This small, roundish grape-like berry is one that has a seed in the center and surrounded by pulp. It is rated a superfood and has been highly recommended as an extremely nutritious fruit.

The primary feedback of folks who have taken the dietary pills containing these berries is that you will shed pounds naturally due to the manner acai berry elevates the way your body burns calories during your daily activities. And if you combine the consumption of such a formula along with a sensible plan of diet and exercise, your body will be induced to really burn those calories at an optimum pace.

If you have been impressed so far, you will also be delighted to know that the nutritional benefits of the berry are not confined to the fresh fruit. Even by taking the preserved or processed form such as quality supplement products, you will still benefit by the berry's abundance of antioxidants that will go a long way to help you get rid of the excess pounds.

As a matter of fact, the vitamin and mineral content of acai can boost your general health and well-being. You can also expect detoxification, energy boost, and enhanced digestion along with other health benefits.

In conclusion, the acai berry does possess some astounding and beneficial properties for your body weight and overall health. However, to fully realise the weight loss benefits of supplements containing these berries, you will have to adopt the necessary changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Free Weight Loss - Why You Should Try Free Weight Loss Products Before You Purchase Them

Do you want free weight loss products and programs? Then you would probably like to know how to get them today, without spending a fortune!

To be honest with you, the chance to get free weight loss program or product is very small. But there always was and there will be free dieting stuff on internet. Actually in these days the chance only gets bigger and bigger because of the manufacturers and seller competition.

Free Weight loss products is possible to find

So many online stores and dieting product manufacturers are willing to give you a free sample or trial of their product, usually for 30 days. So why you didn't hear about them yet? Because there's so many people who don't want to give them for free, they still want to charge you. So yes, you can get free weight loss trials and samples in many online stores. You just need to know how and where to look for them.

Online is the best way to find them

Best way to get free weight loss products is to look for them online. You can find tons of information about free stuff, but when it comes to getting it, you will be charged with a 95% chance. So it's very tricky and risky. You may be charged month after month if you will give your details for not credible website. But how to know, can you trust the certain website, and is there any credibility at all?

So if you do agree that finding free stuff online is tricky, and if you want to find them today, without spending a fortune or being scammed, here's few tips on how to do this.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

FDA Approved Weight Loss Pill

Alli (main ingredient Orlistat) is the first over the counter FDA approved weight loss pill. Unfortunately, it has embarrassing side effects. If you are over weight and looking for a miracle quick fix to obesity, there simply isn't one yet for several reasons.

1. All drugs have side effects, which are unintentional, undesirable, results from taking a drug. One side effect from taking Alli is suddenly having to go to the bathroom. Alli is supposed to be taken with a low fat diet, so when you eat too much fat your body can't absorb it and it just comes out. Anyone who has lost weight from dieting knows that every once in awhile you eat cake, cookies, fast food, chocolates, potato chips and many other fatty foods. So it would seem this side effect is hard to avoid all of the time. There are also several other side effects besides this one.

2. People have lost weight while using Alli, but they were predominantly relying on a low fat healthy diet and exercise. The results seem to be very gradual, I think one person lost 40 pounds over the course of one year. No noticeable changes in the first week. But many people have lost more than 40 pounds in a year by only using diet and exercise.

3. As you probably guessed, Alli isn't free. If your financial condition changes will your dependence on a FDA approved weight loss pill change? Exercise is free! You don't have to pay a fortune to lose weight. Losing weight can be simple. Track the calories you consume throughout the day and the calories you burn from your various activities. Burn more calories than you consume and you will lose weight.

So it would seem a healthy diet and exercise is not outdated yet. If you aren't eating healthy and exercising daily, most likely you aren't losing weight. No FDA approved weight loss pill will change that any time soon. The good news is there are places that can show you how to eat healthy and find an exercise activity that you love. If you are ready to make a change in your eating habits and exercise routine, I believe you can lose weight, pill or no pill.

Caffeine For Weight Loss?

Ah Caffeine... Many people love to drink this to enhance their energy and sometimes to suppress their appetite. Caffeine has been widely used in many slimming pills or in other slimming herbs because of its ability to suppress hunger. But does it really work for weight loss?

Here are the fact about caffeine: caffeine can suppress your appetite because it works like a stimulant. Not only can it can suppress your appetite, but also it can boost your metabolism. Both effects (Appetite suppressant and Metabolism booster) only last for couple of hours.

Let me tell you that I am a coffee (caffeine) addict and I need to drink this stuff up to two cup in a day. If I don't drink this I would shake and it would be hard to focus, but I realize that my appetite is certainly suppressed after drinking. Not so sure about the metabolism though.

So with a argument like that certainly caffeine is good for weight loss right? Not quite...

Caffeine suppress your appetite for only a couple of hours and after that there is a good chance that it can increase your appetite because it can increase your cortisol level. Not only can it increase your appetite, but it can also slow your metabolism because after a high sudden boost from caffeine for a couple of hours, your body goes into a slower rate.

Caffeine for a diet aid can be good if you know these two facts. It can only last temporally and so, if you want to use caffeine as a diet aid you want to exercise when your metabolism is high and you want to force yourself to eat when your appetite is low because when your appetite is high, you already stuffed.